
Safety Equipment for Race Cars

Safety Equipment for Race Cars

More than 40 lives have been lost in professional car racing, in major accidents. With the passing of the years, and with the bad news, the top category of motorsport has imposed a series of changes in the patterns of the cars to increase the safety of the riders.
In order to guarantee in some way the integrity of the figures of the circuits, four characteristics have been established in the guidelines of the cars.
The bolide is the first thing in sight and the F1 has ordered the design of cars with regulated structures in many parts of the vehicle to control the dimensions. These key parts are subjected to load and shock tests.
With regard to tyres, two important points should be noted: since 2001, the F1 used the same system of straps for wheels, but the International Automobile Federation (FIA) modified them in 2011 so that each wheel is fitted with two straps. In addition, in 2017, with the change in the width of the monoplaces, the absorption of the tires increased to avoid catastrophes on wet tracks.
Another element that improved pilot safety was The Hans (Head and Neck Support) system. This element aims to prevent cervical injuries caused by the whip effect when a high-speed collision occurs.
Popularly known as a collar, it is made of kevlar and is attached to the back of the pilot’s seat and to the helmet with hooks. Its use was mandatory from 2003. This tool retains the relative position of the head to the pilot’s body, transferring the shock energy to the torso rather than to the head.
The most controversial addition to the safety of pilots is the halo.His appearance was not to the liking of the fans because it causes the bolides to lose aesthetics, which is clearly less important to the AIF than the life of its stars. Since 2017, this device is made to protect the head, it has the purpose of diverting large objects, such as a tire, that could impact a driver.
In large cities, the issue of car occupant safety has also evolved. In mobility applications like BEAT this is a fundamental issue.BEAT carries out different actions to improve the safety environment of its users and drivers. That’s why he makes a physical inspection of the cars that are released on his platform. Also, passengers can share their journey in real time, while the driver can see from the start what their final destination is.
In addition, BEAT has a 911 button, where with a simple touch contact is made with the appropriate authorities and a specialized team within the company is alert for relevant investigations.
Security is what every day the user of this type of apps demands and BEAT pays all attention to those points. Try the app at CDMX, Guadalajara and Monterrey, and it will give you a 50% discount on your first trip.
